A Pint Of Blood weighs about 1.05 times heavier than water. If 1 pint of water weighs about 473 ml, then 1 pint of blood is 1.05 X 473 = 496.65 grams (17.5 ounces).
Blood becomes one of the important components of our body that help and function well to transport oxygen and nutrient to our body tissues and lungs.
Normal blood types tend to have a shape like a biconcave disk, and its size is around 6-8 micrometers. Losing a certain amount of blood might not cause any big harm to our body but losing much blood might be a fatal incident for you.
You may need to get a blood transfusion. Anyway, have you ever question the blood’s weight? Today we are going to talk more about it.
Weight of Blood
Every person will have a different amount of blood. An infant has more blood than an adult. The blood is around 9–10% of the body weight, while an adult is only around 7-8%.
What about the kid? It is around 8-9%. Mostly, the average blood for an adult will normally be 10.5 pints. 1 pint is equal to 0.47 liter. Therefore, 10.5 pints of blood will weigh 4.935 (converted to be 5 liters).
Again, every human has a different weight of blood. For more detailed information, let’s see below.
- Average-sized females. Generally, they have 9 pints of blood or around 4.3 liters.
- Average-sized males. Males have more blood than females. They have 12.2 pints of blood that equals 5.7 liters.
- Infants. Infants must have 1.2 fl oz of blood. Every pound of their weight will weigh 75-80 ml o blood.
- Kids or children. They have 1-1.2 fl oz of blood which their every pound’s weight might weigh 70-75 ml.
- Pregnant women. If you are pregnant, you might have up to 50% more blood. It means your weight blood might increase to be 6.5 liters.
Losing or Donating Blood
As it has been told before, losing blood will not cause or lead to any serious problem unless it is more than 10%. Normally, you could only donate your blood for 1 pint (10%). If you lose more than 10%, 15%, you might experience shock due to blood pressure.
Losing 20-40% of blood might cause low blood pressure and anxiety. If you lose more than 40% of your blood, you might have severe shock and lose consciousness.
Medical Attention
After donating 10% of your blood, you might feel a little faint and need to rest around 10-15 minutes. Even so, donating might be good to stimulate blood cell production that will lead to a healthy heart and liver. It is also good to maintain the iron level of blood.
Now, what if you lose a lot of blood? Well, you will need a blood transfusion for a life-saving procedure. As in this situation where Covid still exists, the blood supplies in the hospital are getting lower. Therefore, you might donate your blood to save someone’s life.
Increasing Blood Cell Counts
For your information, every day, every second, our body produces 2 million red blood cells. Therefore, you might not worry about losing your blood when you are donating. However, if you suffer from low red blood cell production, you could do things, such as:
- Consuming nutrients including red meat, egg yolks, organ meat, beans, legumes, spinach or kale, and dried fruits.
- Drinking mineral water regularly.
- Consuming iron-rich supplements or vitamins.
Finally, as blood becomes very important, please make sure to keep it stable (not too low nor high).