When people are injured or sick or, the most often vehicle that takes people to the hospital in an ambulance. By definition, an ambulance is a vehicle aimed for medical purposes that transport patients to get treatment facilities, for example, hospitals and other definitive care. Mostly, the ambulance provides hospital medical care for the patients.
Furthermore, the ambulances are also aimed at responding to emergency medical services if there is a medical emergency. Typically, ambulances are equipped with sirens and warning lights for emergency purposes.
In general, most ambulances designs are based on pick-up trucks or vans. Still, some ambulances are also designed based on cars, trains, motorcycles, aircraft, trailers, buses, cars, boats, helicopters, and even hospital ships.
How much does an ambulance weigh?
Ambulance weight between 9.000 to 14.000 pounds depends on its type.
The type I ambulance with a cab chassis separated from the truck body has more than 10.000 pounds. However, the weight is less than 14.000 pounds.
Meanwhile, the second type of ambulance, which is type II, has 9.201 up to 10.000 pounds. This type is based on van design but has an integrated cab and longer wheelbase.
Furthermore, the weight of type III is 10.000 up to 14.000 pounds. This is the most common ambulance in the US. However, it is also a type III AD (Advanced duty) ambulance with over 14.000 pounds.
Types Of Ambulance
There are 4 types of ambulances in the United States (US), Including:
Type I
The design of this type is based on a heavy truck with a rear compartment which is customized. Sometimes, type I is also called a ‘Box.’ Generally, this type of ambulance is used for ALS (Advanced Life Support) or MICU (Mobile Intensive Care Unit) and rescue work.
Type II
This type is based on a heavy-duty van but with some customization. Mostly, this type is used for BLS (Basic Life Supports). In contrast, this type is rarely used for ALS and rescue.
Type III
This type has the same purposes as type I, which is for rescue and ALS. However, the design of type III is different from type I. Type III uses the design of a van with rear compartment customization.
Type IV
This type is smaller than other types aimed at transferring patients that trucks or other passenger vehicles have difficulties transferring, such as large crowds in special events, commercial venues, and others. The ambulance has been used for 500 years and more, but have you wondered about the average weight of an ambulance? Here is the explanation.
Final Word
In sum, ambulances are very needed for medical purposes, especially in an emergency. The ambulances also have many designs which are aimed at different interests. Moreover, ambulances also have many types, and their weight depends on the type. Well, that’s all for the explanation, and I hope you enjoy this article.
you must know
After the American Civil War, Dr. Edward Barry Dalton, a former army surgeon, developed the first modern ambulance system to respond to a cholera outbreak.